ERECTION OF CARBON BURN-OUT BOILER PLANT The Carbon Burn Out boiler utilises fly ash and bed ash deposits from existing operating boilers as a fuel to generate steam and deposits with reduced carbon content. The project included the construction of a fluidized bed Thermax boiler of capacity 16.2 TPH, and pressure 16 bars. List of [...]
Boiler Relocation Project
The Medine Sugar Factory upgraded its existing capacity of electricity generation with the addition of a 70 kW John Thompson boiler transferred from Union St Aubin Sugar Factory. The boiler and its associated equipment, piping, pressure parts, impulse line and ducting were dismantled, refurbished, installed and commissioned during a ten months period.
Terragen Ltd
Work on Grid TR1
Fuel Refinery Ltd
Refurbish & Installation of Vacuum Pan
Omnicane Ethanol Production Ltd
Supply & Install Piping for distillery
Omnicane Thermal Energy Operations
Erection of New Fire Fighting Pipeline
Omnicane Ethanol Production Ltd
Supply, Manufacture & Installation of Alcohol Storage Tank Farm Piping at Mer Rouge
Manser Saxon
INTERVENTION AT MIDLAND DAM The works consisted of the Replacement of a DN 1800 butterfly valve. This has been achieved after dismantling of steel platforms and removal of associated pipe spool piece. Moreover, a stop-log was installed inside the dam after removal of the bottom trash rack to prevent water ingress in the valve chamber